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I have got a B.A. degree in New Media
from Bologna University of the Visual Arts.
As an undergraduate I co-founded an association for the promotion of cultural events with some friends, we had a great success organizing concerts and festivals and we had lots of fun.
After graduating, I started a job with an advertising agency which created
documentaries and commercials for big companies.
It was really challenging and I was able to express my creativity
in several videos. Since then I have continued working as a free-lance producer as I love to create new material when commissioned.
Then I decided to specialize more in TV Production and to be more inside the technical field.
This brought me to Australia where I worked for a year with a big company in an international team - Omnilab Media.
There, I learned a lot about new working processes in a highly technological environment.
On the way back from Australia I took a long trip to Asia: it was a great moment in my life also because I came across photography.
Back to Europe, I started a new chapter of my life taking up a job at Sky Italy. With Sky I was able to see all the internal dynamics of a major international broadcaster. As television was going through a phase of rapid, profound change, I had the opportunity to work just inside these fast growing changes, such as video on demand, HD, 3D and UltraHD.
After 2 years in Munich with Sky Deutchland, Berlin was calling, here I started working in the VOD industry.
Check my LinkedIn profile for all the professional details.

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